| Mane Petrosyan


sound exhibition, 2023

This small storyline of pictures is about me feeling like I live my life as a bug, or a rock on the road, perceiving life with my senses alone. Information distracts me from the core of the things and seems artificial and unnecessary.

*based on the literature:

– Andra McCartney, „How am I to Listen to You?“ Soundwalking, Intimacy, and Improvised Listening, in: Negotiated Moments : Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice, hg.: Gillian Siddall, Duke University Press, 2016.

I Ching : The Book of Changes, 1000-750 BCE, translated by Richard Wilhelm/Cary Baynes, 1950.

Mane Petrosyan Kamsarakan

is an Armenian jewelry artist based in Yerevan. She believes that jewelry originates in the human body and is meant to complement it in the most natural way. An integral part of the concept of her work is to always try to speak in the language of the material that she works with and to get the best out of it, be it metal, paper, plastic or else. She is interested in developing her future designs while being inspired by Armenian culture in order to connect young generations with their heritage in every day life and to tell the world about her culture through her work.

[due to visa restrictions Mane joined the residency edition 2023 from the distance] 

fb: mane

first floor / 1. GRUNDSTOCK